How Farm Water Filters improve quality of water for livestock
Water for farm and lifestyle block use comes in various forms, some better than others, but the less clean source can always be improved with the use of farm water filters and purifiers.
Livestock will be healthier with purer, cleaner water. Sources such as bores and artesian wells may sound as if they should be the cleanest but animal effluent may have seeped into the area over time so must still be checked out. These sources may also become very expensive if the water source is not found where expected. Town supply water is probably the best but the cost may be prohibitive. Ground water springs can also be used and should also be clean but, as with bores, contaminants seeping through the ground may cause problems so the quality should also be checked.
Taking water directly from streams or purpose built dams are a common means of supplying water to farms in New Zealand. Problems with this source can be anything from fish to weeds which can clog up the reticulation system which in turn can cause damage to the pumps. Farm water filters can eliminate much of this problem and are an inexpensive insurance against costly pump and piping repairs.
New Zealand waterways are some of the cleanest in the world and the most abundant. They are regularly checked for E-coli bacteria in swimming areas - the acceptable level is 260E.coli/100ml the NZ average over the last seven years has been 110E.coli/100mls. Phosporus levels have improved since steps were taken to stabilise soil erosion by tree planting to lessen soil and sediment drift into waterways which had been causing this problem. Nitrogen levels are the current problem due to more intensive land use, an acceptable solution for this is currently being investigated between farmers and councils. Farm water filters which incorporate chlorine dispensers are available to help kill bacteria.